Best Tips Protecting The Health Of Your Horse

Health is one aspect of supporting the success of a horse livestock business. Weak horse health will cause disease. For that, protecting the horse’s health means more to try than to cure. However, a description of the disease that afflicts horses, including indications, triggers and methods of overcoming it must be understood by breeders. Protecting horse health is a significant priority that breeders must try. Providing quality feed, management and other maintenance, there are several important aspects that must be considered to maintain horse health.

The health program for horses includes disease prevention, administration of vitamins, deworming and early aid. It is something that is important to always make the right assessment and have the right knowledge about adequate treatment. Owners or breeders of horses should use the services of veterinarians in order to successfully manage disease disorders and other health problems that can be used to increase success in the management of horse livestock.

The following are things that need attention in carrying out health management in horses:


Is an activity that includes cleaning the cage and its environment including equipment. because with the condition of the cage there is a clean area. The health of horse livestock or their owners will be guaranteed. Cleanliness of the cage can be adjusted according to needs so that the area is not smelly and damp

Advantages of Implementing Sanitation

  • Can avoid disease
  • Save on cattle healing fees
  • Protect the health of horse livestock
  • Increase livestock appetite
  • Cages and work areas are comfortable

Disadvantages For Those Who Do Not Carry Out Sanitation

  • Horses are susceptible to disease
  • Extravagant treatment costs
  • Disease transmission can be intertwined.
  • cages and areas get dirty.

What must be considered in carrying out sanitation:

  • Cages floors are always kept dry and clean, air circulation is guaranteed and a place to get the morning sun.
  • The area near the cage is made of a ditch so that it is free from standing water or moisture. Likewise in grazing areas, at each plot boundary a ditch is also made so that water flows easily. In this way, when it rains the grazing field does not become muddy.
  • The caretaker of the stable is that all horses that inhabit the stable must be clean, the trick is to be bathed regularly, sick horses are immediately separated from the group of healthy horses.
  • Equipment. Where to feed drinking water is cleaned and washed every day so as not to provide an opportunity for the spread of disease. Herding horses means providing opportunities for horses to exercise, train their muscles and improve blood circulation, so that horses become healthier.

Horse Feed

Providing low quality feed that does not contain high nutritional content can cause horse deficiency. On the contrary, providing quality feed with high nutrition will increase productivity and prevent disease.

Horse Vaccination

Vaccination is an attempt to prevent the emergence of a disease by using the immunoprophylactic method to obtain active immunity caused by the appearance of antibodies in the body due to stimulation from the vaccine. Immunity is a relationship between microbes and the host/person. A person who has immunity with the ability of special cells in the body to produce antibodies can act as a substance of protection against microbial invasion. Prevention programs and health care can be achieved by applying good vaccinations. The drugs given in the context of prevention are inexpensive measures that are appropriate in improving and maintaining the horse’s health condition even though it appears to result in an increase in treatment costs.

Vaccinations are widely used for prevention against inflammatory diseases. Besides the expensive treatment of diseases related to the drugs used, it can also degrade the health condition of the body and possibly cause death, for that a good immunization program is a guarantee of real action on the cheap side.

Giving of Worm Drugs for Your Horse

Deworming is important for horses, especially for those who are on grass. If worming is not administered regularly within 3 months as an effort to prevent it, the horse’s stomach will appear fat/swollen as a sign of inflammation of the endoparasites. Horses avoid grass fields that are usually used for grazing other types of livestock, to avoid infection with worms.